• Tender Notice - COGEBANQUE

    Employer: COGEBANQUE
    Posted: 19 January 2023


    1.Consultancy Service for translation of Loan Contracts & Other related document 036/S/NCB/CGBK/2023
    2.Tender for GPS tool 037/S/NCB/CGBK/2023
    3.Tender for SQL 2019 and Red hat licenses 038/S/NCB/CBGK/2023
    4.Tender for Courier Services 039/S/NCB/CGBK/2023

    COGEBANQUE Plc invites all qualified bidders to submit their proposals for the tenders mentioned above.

    The request for proposals will be obtained any working day from 20th January 2023 from the main reception of Cogebanque Head office.

    Well bound and sealed bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes not later than 31th January 2023 at 2:30 pm local time at the main reception of the Bank to the address below:

    Cogebanque Head Office, KN 4 Av. 72 St. Electronic bidding shall not be permitted, late bids shall be rejected.

    The Tender should bear the reference number of the tender notice and marked with the title of the Tender and reference number.

    Enquiries regarding this tender may be addressed to:

    Email: L_twahirwa@cogebank.com

    TEL: + (250)788313216

    Done in Kigali, on 17th January 2023.

    Head of Administration & General Services
    Guillaume Ngamije HABARUGIRA
    Chief Executive Officer

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