• TORs - Tender for the provision of hotel accommodation and meeting facilities services to Rwanda Union of the Blind-RUB

    Employer: Rwanda Union of the Blind (RUB)
    Rwanda Union of the Blind is a local non-governmental organization legally operating in Rwanda since 1995. It is registered with Rwanda Governance board under the legal personality no 60/05 of 16/03/1995 to work towards the improvement of the living conditions of persons with visual impairment in Rwanda. See more
    Posted: 8 March 2024


    1. About RUB

    Rwanda Union of the Blind (RUB) is a local non-governmental organization legally operating in Rwanda since 1995 with the mission to work towards the improvement of the situation of blind people through education and rehabilitation to facilitate meaningful equality and integration. RUB envisages having a situation where all necessary services for people with visual impairment are provided as a right of the individual and see education and employment opportunities as well as all other welfare services being as available to those who are visually impaired as they are to all other citizens.

    As years went by, RUB established various programs and interventions in line with the continuous efforts to advocate for the inclusion of persons with visual impairment into the mainstream society. The organization has been strengthening and extending the scope of work by establishing local branches in all districts of the country. Currently, RUB has 64 well-established local branches in all 30 districts of the country.

    RUB promotes the rights of people with vision impairment through advocacy on their rights to build the Rwandan society awareness and support for inclusion. Its members are supported in a wide range of situations, including cases where they have been denied their right to education, to work, to live independently, to access a good standard of healthcare and to enjoy participating in family and community life.

    2. Objective and Scope of the Service required:

    The objective of this open tender for Rwanda Union of the Blind hereinafter referred to as RUB is to secure a reputable and reliable hotel service provider via a transparent procurement process, prioritizing quality, accessibility and cost-effectiveness and to uphold accountability and compliance standards within RUB’s operations.

    In the above context, RUB hereby invites all prospective bidders to submit their bids for the provision of the hotel services for the period from March 2024-March2026. This tender is open on equal terms to all Hotels within Rwanda. One hotel will be selected in each of the four provinces and Kigali city to provide the hotel services to RUB for the above mentioned timeframe.

    Prospective service provider/hotels shall provide the following services:

    • • Arrangement for the RUB organized events (trainings, workshops, meetings, conferences) with provision of accommodation/rooms for participants, members, or staff when necessary ((standard, single, double rooms and or executives)
    • • Provision of well-equipped conference halls with projector, sound system, WIFi connection, flipcharts, notebooks, pens etc.)
    • • Ensure that conference packages as follows would be available for participants’ meals:
    1. o Half-day conference package: coffee break, water, and lunch
    2. o Full-day conference package: 2 x coffee break, water, and lunch


    Interested Hotels on the mentioned tender are required to submit bids with the following required certifications and should be valid at the date of submission of the bids;

    • 1. Letter of interest addressed to RUB Executive Director
    • 2. Hotel profile showing the background & the hotel assets which back the business and full legal address and location of the Hotel.
    • 3. Registration certificate from RDB.
    • 4. Certificate of tax clearance from RRA still valid.
    • 5. RSSB certificate still valid.
    • 6. VAT certificate.
    • 7. Hotel categories (Stars)
    • 8. Proof of being able to provide electronically generated bill (EBM)
    • 9. Provision of at least 3 certificates of completion from both private and public institutions in the last 3 three years.
      10. Financial proposal showing item cost-unit price

    All interested bidders should send their technical and financial proposals in sealed envelopes marked ‘Tender for provision of hotel accommodation & and meeting facilities services’’. Tenderers are advised to submit hard copy bid documents to RUB head office not later than Monday 14th March 2024 at 16:00 pm local hour. Late bids will not be accepted.

    Note: Only hard copies will be accepted, and all selected hotels will be contacted for contract signing. No unsolicited communications will be allowed and any queries relating to this tender should be directed to rubura1994@gmail.com with a copy to donakanimba@gmail.com.

    Thank you and we look forward to receiving your bids.

    Donatilla Kanimba

    Executive Director, RUB.

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